Unabridged and unedited for length Citizen Statements: Terri's Law and Terri Schiavo / Related Press Release (The Register)
![]() ![]() Unabridged and unedited for length Citizen Statements: Terri's Law and Terri Schiavo / Related Press Release
Many citizens Decry Weaknesses in Florida’s “Terri’s Law;” Lakeland Resident Tries Untested Legal Approaches re Terri Schiavo in Florida Supreme Court to Seek Compromise. Many citizens demand enforcement of State and Federal laws regarding abuse of both the elderly and disabled. They are speaking out against bias or lack of coverage in the press. 23 Outraged citizens give statements and sign with full contact information to validate it's not a mere "online petition" re Terri Schiavo case. (The Register) August 04 2004--While many parties fight over the hastily-passed “Terri’s Law” in Florida’s Supreme Court, the only court filings in recent months to offer any protection to the person of “Terri Schiavo” are being filed by Terri’s family’s attorney, Pat Anderson, and Lakeland resident, Gordon Watts; Even were Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, to win his court case, a clause in “Terri’s Law” gives any future governor the right to remove Theresa Schiavo’s feeding tube. Further, this law “expired” 15 days after passage, which results in the governor’s inability to issue any “stay” in the future to any other citizen, as was done with Schiavo. Biologist, Gordon Watts, A.S., B.S., editor of the online publication “The Register,” has filed a request in Florida’s Supreme Court, seeking acceptance of a brief, in support of Michael Schiavo’s petition to avoid implementation of public law 03-418, the disputed “Terri’s Law.” Watts, who previously supported the hastily-enacted law, has made a reversal in his position due to the law’s ineffectiveness to protect, as well as the fact the dispute over “Terri’s Law” has detracted much-needed focus from actual abuses. The 3 Watts briefs are posted at The Register website and posted online at the Florida Supreme Court: http://www.flcourts.org/pubinfo/summaries/briefs/04/04-925/index.html Many other citizens who support Watts’ efforts, have spoken out against the shortcomings of “Terri’s Law,” and have consented to providing statements with full contact data, in response to claims that Watts was alone in his complaints. (Full quotes below, corrected only for grammar - Excerpts on the PRWeb.com Press Release) 1. of 100. - Lisa Ruby, Webmaster Lisa Ruby, Webmaster 2. of 100. - Doug Guillory, Concerned Citizen 'The Governor may revoke the stay upon a finding that a change in the condition of the patient warrants revocation.' (Selection from Terri's Law; Full Quote below with source.) Click here for Terri's Law Therefore, many Floridians and Americans, myself included, have now come to the conclusion that the fight over 'Terri's Law', had created a distraction, diverting much needed focus to enforce the many felony abuse laws in Florida, and to protect the vulnerable victims, such as Terri Schiavo.” Doug Guillory, Concerned Citizen 3. of 100. - Juan V. Schoch, Computer Field Engineer Juan V. Schoch, Computer Field Engineer 4. and 5. of 100. - Joanne Kane, RN, Registered Nurse ;
Karen Ward, RN, Registered Nurse (joint statement) Judge Greer has limited medical knowledge. He ought to follow Florida Statutes, and stop legislating and practicing medicine from the bench. Sure would be bittersweet if we should ever find ourselves in a situation fighting for the life of one who is actively attempting murder of another in a legal fashion.” Joanne Kane, RN, Registered Nurse Karen Ward, RN, Registered Nurse 6. of 100. - Sheila Fogarty, Concerned Citizen Sheila Fogarty, Concerned Citizen 7. of 100. - Sylvia Scott, Concerned Citizen Sylvia Scott, Concerned Citizen 8. of 100. - Donna J. Blosser, RN, Registered Nurse It is evident for all to see that this man has neglected his duty, not only as a husband, but as a guardian. He set before a jury a plan of care for Terri in a malpractice suit, none of which was actually carried out. The monetary gain awarded to him to care for Terri was never spent on Terri. He was appointed as Terri's guardian and has failed to issue the required plan of care each year. That is only the most minor of his offenses. He resides with another woman and has sired two children by her, while at the same time remains married to Terri. To even the most ignorant of legal proceedings, it appears obvious that there is a definite conflict of interest. He has, with the assistance of the court system, neglected to provide Terri with the most basic needs. She has not had dental care until her teeth were at the point of decay. She has not been seen by a gynecologist for a very long time, although she is only forty years old and still of childbearing age. She has been denied antibiotics several times for what could have been life threatening for someone in a debilitated state of health. She has been denied socialization and contact with others, including her own family. She has been held captive in a single stark room for years and not allowed outside in the sunshine and fresh air. There is actually a police officer outside her door to prevent anyone from going against the wishes of her guardian. The most serious offense was the removal of her feeding tube for six long days. She was without nutrition or water for that period, which is in my opinion, beyond cruel and unusual. Having witnessed such a thing before in my career, I can attest to the fact that this is not a painless and certainly not a humane action. It is illegal to starve a pet dog or cat. How can any court in the land then say that in certain cases this is acceptable for human beings, regardless of their conscious state? Terri's basic rights have been denied to her over the course of many years, her legal rights, her right to humane physical care, her right to preventative care, her right to rehabilitation, and her right to have social interaction with her family and others in her environment. It seems to me that her guardian should be held accountable by the legal system, rather than the legal system wasting the taxpayers’ money deciding whether or not it will be legal for Terri's husband to torture her to death by starvation and dehydration. There should be no question in anyone's mind and the outcome if her husband is allowed to discontinue her nutrition and hydration. The result will be a prolonged agonizing death for an innocent young woman, who has done nothing wrong. To any who read this, first look into the loving eyes of your favorite pet and ask yourself if you really would want to see it expire for lack of food and water. Now go a step further, those of you with children, and imagine that instead it is your child and whether or not you feel it would be 'just fine' to starve that child or dehydrate that child to death. This is what the parents and siblings of Terri are faced with, except the life and death decision is being made by a man who plainly does not love her and definitely does not have her best interests in mind.” Donna J. Blosser, RN, Registered Nurse 9. of 100. - Catherine Elaine Critz, BA, Traumatic Brain
Injury survivor Catherine Elaine Critz, BA, Traumatic Brain Injury survivor 10. of 100. - Dr. Dee Rohe, Acupuncture Physician, Hon.
Dr. of Div. Dr. Dee Rohe, Acupuncture Physician, Hon. Dr. of Div. Statement on Credentials of Dr. Rohe: Plus many on-going continuing education courses both required to keep my licenses and non-required, through the years. In the state of Florida, Acupuncture Physicians are licensed to be primary care physicians the same as Medical Doctors and Chiropractic Physicians.... But, MD's and DC's are a bit jealous of that title, 'doctor'. AP's used to be called doctors, then we sort of had to stop and now we're being called doctors again - but we have to be humble about it, or we'll get squashed. So -- better to call me an 'Acupuncture Physician' in any disseminated printed material, as that is my legal licensed designation. Just as I got to this point in my note here, lightning struck and my PC connection was broken. This is several hours later, and Thank God -- everything working o.k. Dee” 11. of 100. - Janet Goulet, Concerned Citizen and Journal
Webmaster Janet Goulet, Concerned Citizen and Journal Webmaster 12. of 100. - Angie Harsh, Child Therapist If Terri Schiavo had died and someone came to the courts and said 'Terri said I was to get her entire estate' and it was not in writing, the judge would say, 'Sorry but if it is not in writing it does not exist'. Yet her estranged husband who stands to benefit financially, lied in order to prevail in a lawsuit, living with another woman and has fathered children by her, is engaged to her, and will marry her upon Terri's death can say after 3 yrs. and millions of dollars later, 'Oh I remember that on this occasion she said that she would not want to live this way', and a judge say, that is good enough for me. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Terri Schiavo is not in a PVS [Persistent Vegetative State], she does not belong in a hospice facility; she has been there for 3 yrs. when the criteria clearly states death in imminent within 6 mos. In closing, I want to say that never in this country do we starve and dehydrate people to death. That is a long, painful process and absolutely barbaric. We don’t do it to murderers; we don’t do it to POW's: Why would we do it to disabled people?” Angie Harsh, Child Therapist 13. of 100. - Julia K. Endsley, RN, Registered Nurse “I have been following the Terri Schiavo story, and have been involved in some of the letter writing to save her life since last October. She came to my attention then, when her story hit national news. I have been very concerned about this case for several reasons, first, because I am a nurse, and am all too familiar with Futile Care Policy, which seems to be sweeping our nation. This policy appears to be a way of choosing who is suitable for living, and is a threat to our great nation, in my opinion. I am also a mother, and would be doing the same thing, if my child were threatened is such a way. Especially with all the vagaries and bias that seems to be coming out of the courts there in Florida. I am also a Christian, and to allow an otherwise reasonably healthy individual to be put to death is just not acceptable. I am also all too aware that the dying process for her would be very painful, due to the fact that she would actually die of dehydration, rather than starvation. There did not appear to be any attempt at pain management during her last dehydration attempt in October of last year. Pain management is one of the most basic of patient rights in this country! I am also very concerned about the lack of specific testing, such as PET scans under stimulation, as well as serial EEG's under stimulation, to prove Terri is PVS. From my own research, I can't determine if this has ever been done. With the high misdiagnosis rate for PVS, of 43%, I would think this would be mandated by the court! Another concern I have, is Michael Schiavo's suitability as Terri's guardian, due to an apparent conflict of interest in the form of his current mistress, for lack of a better word, and his two children. Finally, I am troubled by the fact that only Michael, his brother, and his sister in law are the only ones who heard her say that she wouldn't want to live this way. If just one of her close friends, or her family members had been able to say the same, I would be more comfortable with the court decision. Although I don't agree with that choice, if I had some assurance that it would in fact be her wish, I wouldn't have as much trouble with it. That, coupled with inconsistencies in Michael's statements, raises some serious concerns, in my opinion. If there is anything else I can help you with, regarding Terri, please feel free to let me know. My income is very limited, so I cannot help out financially, but I can research, and write letters. Thank you for this opportunity to make my concerns known. Sincerely,” Julia K. Endsley, RN, Registered Nurse 14. of 100. - Dr. Russ Hills Ph.D., Author, "THE
PRO$PERITY CULT" Dr. Russ Hills Ph.D., Author, "THE PRO$PERITY CULT" 15. of 100. - Devorah Hoger, Psychology researcher,
Author, “Mark of the Beast” © I have listened intently to the ongoing and tragic saga of Mrs. Terri Schiavo. I have watched, in horror, as her sociopathic husband, Michael, has been permitted sole access to her for the enjoyment of abusing her. His abuse of this disabled woman, with the permission of Law Enforcement, Political leaders, and Nursing Home and Healthcare Officials is criminal. What they have permitted Michael Schiavo to do is morally unconscionable, EVIL, when they know enough about aberrant psychology to realize that Michael Schiavo is the man who originally placed his healthy and vibrant wife in her current condition. Prolific liar, cheater, abuser, this man is a sociopathic personality. This alone is just cause to look further into the implications of what happened to Terri when she was attacked at home. He had motive, opportunity, and to allow her abuser, more than a decade of continued abuse is one reason why I would never settle in Florida. It is a sick Society that would promulgate such abuse. Michael has held onto custody of Terri Schiavo, because he feels no pain, has no remorse and is not accountable for his actions. Because he feels no pain, the closest he can get to any human emotion is thru the suffering of his victim. In this case, his victim is Terri Schiavo. He has been permitted, undaunted, to continue his prolific abuse, and even the outrage of the general public is a turn on for the deviantly inclined Michael Schiavo. He abuses this woman because he has been given carte blanche [approval] by Authorities there, and this should have never been permitted in any form. It would be akin to allowing a serial killer to have custody of his victims as punishment for his crime. Michael Schiavo is subhuman, and this is why he can continue to abuse his wife Terri. This is depraved beyond words. Actually, I am speechless.” Devorah Hoger, Psychology researcher, Author, “Mark of the Beast”
© 16. of 100. - Robert J. More, Truck Driver Robert J. More, Truck Driver 17. of 100. - Vanessa J. Webb, LVN, Licensed Vocational
Nurse As a Texas nurse, I feel that, while Governor John Ellis "Jeb" Bush did a great thing in getting 'Terri's Law' passed, this is insufficient. Giving the governor the power to revoke the stay in case of change of condition is equal to granting him permission to 1) practice medicine & 2) be an accomplice to murder. 'Terri's Law' also diverts attention away from the crimes committed against Terri Schindler Schiavo including abuse, neglect, & malpractice.” Vanessa J. Webb, LVN, Licensed Vocational Nurse 18. of 100. - Joyce Buskirk, Concerned Citizen I believe Terri's Law is constitutional because the legislature has authority to enact law, and the Governor signs it into law. Terri's rights have been trampled by the Courts and Michael, not the legislature. Terri's right to life is important, and it has been ignored for too many years. The Court and Michael seem determined to kill Terri, even though she left no written instructions that she would want to be starved to death. Tube feeding was not considered life support at the time of Terri's collapse. Michael has disregarded all of the guardian's responsibilities, and the Court seems to approve of this action by not allowing any testimony or evidence in Terri's defense. Thomas Jefferson said 'The care of human life and not its destruction is the first and only object of good government'.” Joyce Buskirk, Concerned Citizen 19. of 100. - Melissa Roxanne Stanley, Concerned Citizen
and Online Researcher On October 15, 2003, Governor Bush asked for legal assistance in saving Terri Schindler-Schiavo's life. At least five (5) expert attorneys wrote letters to Governor Bush emphatically informing him that he already had the power to stop Terri's dehydration and starvation and to begin an investigation into the alleged abuses of this vulnerable, disabled adult. Governor Bush chose to totally ignore and disregard everything about which they had advised him. I implore you to read what two Constitutional experts recommended the Governor do at that time, without delay. Read the 2 attorney's letters here: http://www.societyfortruthandjustice.com/new_page_5.htm.” Melissa Roxanne Stanley, Concerned Citizen and Online Researcher 20. of 100. - Virgil Fritz, Biologist and construction
worker: Open Letter to Fla. Law Enforcement: Sincerely,” Virgil Fritz, Biologist and construction worker 21. of 100. - Robert Franklin Watts, Owner, “Bobby Watts
Speed Shop” Robert Franklin Watts, Owner “Bobby Watts Speed Shop” 22. of 100. - Anne M. Watts, Supermarket Cashier Anne M. Watts, Supermarket Cashier 23. of 100. - Biologist and Chemist, Gordon W. Watts, who is filing suit in the state’s Supreme Court, weighs in: “When I first heard about the planned starvation, a ‘purported’ assisted suicide of disabled Clearwater resident, Theresa Schiavo, I couldn’t believe they’d allow that, after all the hoopla over “Dr. Death,” Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s recent failed attempts. As well, we all recall how Clearwater, Fla. Rock band, “Hell on Earth” also attempted a “staged suicide,” –and, like Kevorkian, promptly got run out on a rail by the local police, the state’s attorney general, and others –and stopped in their tracks cold. Of course, citizens routinely are charged with very serious crimes, be it wardens letting a suicidal criminal starve himself, or the occasional horror stories we hear about how someone starved their granny or crippled brother. And, everyone knows better than to starve a dog or you’ll be facing big jail time! So, I was stunned into silence when I heard that city police were not only allowing this, but also enforcing it: When I inquired about this, the local police "guarding" the facility told me that, were she to moan for water, and I give her a little (should I have visited her), I’d promptly get arrested, jailed, and charged. This, they said, was to protect her from choking to death, as I recall. Besides being illogical (deprivation of water for a few days is usually fatal, so what harm would there be in trying?), this was also illegal, a crime under chapter 825.102(3) of state law, which makes it a felony to deprive the elderly or disabled of food or needed medical care, including, I would guess, water. They said there was a ‘court order’ or something. So, I did a little research, and discovered the court order only dealt with a feeding tube, not standard food or water, and, even if it had, we all know that a judge can’t order something illegal –or else a judge could simply say ‘Yeah, you all can rob a bank and shoot up some people’. So, naïvely, like Forest Gump, I simply asked the authorities (police and then courts) to comply with the law. What I discovered is that the courts routinely deny the ‘little person’, even if he is right, unless he/she get clout from the likes of big news media –and the news media doesn’t expose corruption in the court and give coverage –unless either I’m a “rich and powerful” celebrity –or, if I “win big” in court. (So, the little guy is in ‘catch-22’, so to speak.) This is not right, and I speak out against bias in the news media: When I jumped in to save the “drowning” Theresa Schiavo after authorities followed the example of other oppressive countries’ “state police,” I did not expect the "bystanders" in the press to make fun of me, but that is just what they did. Normally, if the lifeguard is going under and needing help, as is here (I barely have time to look for a job, much less work one, and court fees are piling up), you expect the bystanders to call 911 (the functional equivalent of doing news coverage), or jumping in and helping the rescue attempt (the functional equivalent of helping my court petitions). The news media is biased: The Tampa Tribune is probably best local paper and has published a letter of mine, but is racially biased: (#1) After I saw an excellent story on a Black couple who were denied entry into a hotel based presumably on race (“Travelers Say Motel Lied About Being Full” By JOSHUA B. GOOD, [email protected]; Oct 17, 2002 - Tampa Tribune), I recalled that I had encountered similar treatment –except that I had documentation of the police actually admitting that my race (Native American) wasn’t welcome because of offensive "attire" (a small feather), and I had even gone to court, but the Tribune refused to do news coverage, even after I spoke to news managers and Gil Thelen, their publisher. My skin was the wrong color: The Tribune was prejudiced. (#2) Also, Florida routinely has elections problems, and I saw some stories to that effect: Tampa Tribune, Nov. 09, 2002:“Ambler Still Faces Election Challenge” ... Tampa Tribune, Oct. 25, 2002: “Suit Tries To Oust GOP Candidate" WFTS-TV-Channel 28 also did a story. While these voters did not get far with their suit and gave up, they were covered in the local press. However, my case went further: all the way to the Fla. Supreme Ct., yet it got less coverage: Local media was prejudiced against the “small” people. Then, (#3) I asked local media for news coverage, and Rick Barry of the Tribune said I would have to win big in court for Terri Schiavo before I got any help from the media. They were prejudiced again against little people, as others get news attention for doing nothing but talking about the case: (#4) George Tragos, the “Manual Noriega” criminal defense attorney got on FOX News for merely talking about the Schiavo case (but not actually doing anything it, like filing court papers). However, I actually took action, yet got ignored by press. The Tribune is talented and well-equipped, so it has no reason to yell at me when I call on the phone to give a news tip about, say, a pending Supreme Court case. (#5) The most pressing case of media bias has been the constant hum that Governor Bush was "empowered" by 'Terri's Law' to act, when, in fact, this is a misstatement -and constitutes clear media bias: The laws in place already enable, if not mandate, the authorities to act. (#6) Although not a major point, the AP also has gotten it wrong, as Attorney Matt Conigliaro of the Carlton Fields law firm points out: "You may recall from this earlier post that I've questioned the accuracy of a line found in recent AP stories on the Schiavo case...I thought the news service goofed in reporting that the Second District granted a motion by Michael Schiavo's attorneys to send the case to the Florida Supreme Court...I am happy to say I was correct...I have finally seen a copy of that order -- it is attached at the end of this document -- and it clearly shows that the court raised the issue, not Michael Schiavo. If only the AP read this blog..." (Thursday, June 10, 2004 entry) Source: http://abstractappeal.com/archives/2004_06_01_abstractappeal_archive.html While exposing press bias, prejudice, inaccuracies, or "news blackouts" may not go over well with the news media, and such a press release is a little long, it is justified because so many persons contributed quotes (at my request) to speak out about lack of enforcement of the many state and federal laws -and because and the truth must be told about press bias –or blackout, as it were: We Americans are under a censor of press, by catch-22: No justice in court without media pressure; and, no press coverage without that elusive “big win” in court. Will the “little man” ever get a fair shake anywhere in contemporary America? The answer is “yes” if this news release goes out and exposes the truth. Our fine State and Federal Laws are veritable promises made to the people to uphold certain guidelines and standards, but have become 'broken' promises! Because of this, citizens will not be afforded the protections necessary to maintain our freedoms and liberties, most prominent of which is life itself, a gift we can not give ourselves, and which is resultantly precious, and you might be the next victim of this type: “Marjorie Nighbert signed an “advance directive” before she was hospitalized for a stroke in 1996. This document stated that she desired no “heroic measures.” Based on this, her family requested that her feeding tube be removed. When Ms. Nighbert begged for food, the courts deemed her 'not medically competent to ask for such a treatment,' and the hospital physically restrained her in bed so that she could not pilfer food from other patients. She died ten days later.” {Note: This citation from the Catholic Culture website was verified as correct from numerous independent sources, not the least of which is Focus on the Family.} Source: http://www.CatholicCulture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=5524 This reminds me of the incident up in New York a few years back, as reported by Newsday: http://www.newsday.com/extras/lihistory/8/hs818a.htm Kitty Genovese, a local bartender, was stalked and fatally attacked on her way home from work, and when she cried for help, at least thirty-eight (38) neighbors stood by and did nothing, and did not even call the police. The attack, which took roughly thirty-five minutes, went unchallenged, except by one man, who yelled "Leave that girl alone" before turning in. The nation was shocked at this: Why wouldn't anyone step in and help her, or even lift a finger to call the police?! Genovese died hours after the stabbing because bystanders refused to summon help. The March 13, 1964 attack of Catherine Genovese, 28, who had been returning from her job as manager of a bar in Hollis, New York, made national headlines and shocked the nation. Psychologists, dubbing this the "bystander effect" or "Genovese effect," explained that, in large groups (such as many news media outlets considering covering my efforts), everyone thought that "everyone else" was going to help -and no one did anything. (Will the news media, likewise, allow me to go down for the count, without so much as a peep?) Marjorie Nighbert and Katherine Genovese are good reminders of our failures -and the dangers that await us, should we not learn from history. Therefore, I want a fair day in court –which may only be possible if I get a fair day in the court of public opinion: It can’t hurt the press to at least try. Please see below for links to the unedited version of the quotes of the concerned citizens above –edited for length and grammar here.” Gordon Wayne Watts, A.S., B.S., Editor-in-Chief ("The
Register" newspaper), and Civil Rights Activist
Note: This Press Release contained the complete quotes of statements given for this "Joint Press Release" -along with full contact info on these citizens -and the text (with sources) for 'Terri's Law'. These quotes were, in many cases, edited/shortened for length in the "wire" release at the following links: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/8/prweb146899.htm or http://www.emediawire.com/printer.php?prid=146899
All rights reserved © The Register Previous release: Untested Legal Approaches: Related releases of others: Imbalanced reporting on Schiavo: Florida Pinellas Pasco Judicial Race:
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HB 0035E 2003 Sources: SB 12-E HTML version - SB 12-E PDF version - HB 35-E HTML version - HB 35-E PDF version
LINKS OF IMPORTANCE | HomeTown/AOL Mirror | GeoCities Mirror | Other Links | GeoCities site for Health/Diet Info | Tripod Mirror for Health/Diet Research | Gordon W. Watts, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] 863-688-9880 * "First, they [Nazis] came for the Jews. I was silent. I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists. I was silent. I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists. I was silent. I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me." (Martin Niemoller, given credit for a quotation in The Harper Religious and Inspirational Quotation Companion, ed. Margaret Pepper (New York: Harper &Row, 1989), 429 -as cited on page 44, note 17, of Religious Cleansing in the American Republic, by Keith A. Fornier, Copyright 1993, by Liberty, Life, and Family Publications. * ![]() ![]() |